Capital Improvement Program

Project: Traffic Calming Devices Project No: OP0414 Status: To Be Closed Category: Other Improvements
Location: City-wide Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2025
Council District: City-Wide Project Manager: Stephen Henry
Scope: Provide traffic calming to Neighborhood that meet the City's guidelines
Comments: 7/14/2023 1:56:10 PM:
Project to be closed. TE716 to be funded by remaining funds.

7/14/2023 1:56:00 PM:
Project to be closed. TE716 to be funded by remaining funds.

11/24/2021 9:24:57 AM:
Requests for traffic calming measures, data collection and traffic calming design is ongoing

8/9/2021 3:43:18 PM:
Requests for traffic calming measures, data collection and traffic calming design is ongoing

4/7/2021 11:55:17 AM:
Requests for traffic calming measures, data collection and traffic calming design is ongoing

12/9/2020 3:41:33 PM:
Install 1 of 2 traffic calming devices on the 300 block of 52nd Street. Requests for traffic calming measures, data collection and traffic calming design is ongoing

8/6/2020 9:39:22 PM:
Requests for traffic calming measures, data collection and traffic calming design is ongoing.

4/7/2020 11:11:03 AM:
There was no construction done on this CIP. There is ongoing data collection and speed studies to determine need of traffic calming

12/23/2019 9:39:13 AM:
No new construction during the fourth quarter.

10/4/2019 2:38:34 PM:
• Installed five permanent speed tables on East 52nd Street, competed 7/17/19. • Installed two permanent speed tables and one speed cushion on Godsells Street, competed 8/28/19. • Concrete median at 60th Street and Bull Street, adjustments completed 9/25/19.

7/11/2019 5:44:23 PM:
• An intersection median was installed on Amaranth Avenue at Hopkins Street, completed 4/19/19. • Ten Speed Tables were installed on Meding Street, completed on 5/24/19. • Concrete median was installed at 60th Street & Bull Street, completed 7/8/19. • Construction of five permanent speed tables on East 52nd Street is underway.

4/5/2019 7:44:29 PM:
• Construction of traffic calming measures on Meding Street scheduled to begin on April 2019. • The temporary traffic calming measures remain on Godsells Street; no other projects have the necessary signatures for a 90-day trial period. Godsells Street will move on to securing approval for permanent construction this month. • Construction of five permanent speed tables on East 52nd Street as well as an intersection median at Amaranth and Hopkins will commence upon completion of Meding Street construction.

1/7/2019 12:28:58 PM:
(1) Meding Street Traffic Calming device construction is scheduled to begin in February 2019. (2) The temporary traffic calming measures trial period has ended on East 52nd Street, between Waters and Bee, and approval signatures are being verified. (3) The 90-day trial period of temporary traffic calming measures for Godsells Street has begun.

10/2/2018 4:20:12 PM:
Two speed tables and a traffic circle were installed on 54th Street in July.

6/25/2018 12:49:38 PM:
The street calming devices for Bonaventure and 66th Street have been completed. Bonaventure had two speed tables east and west of Georgia Ave, April 12. 66th St. had four speed cushions installed between Habersham and Reynolds, April 18th. Construction is scheduled for July 2nd for tables and a traffic circle on 54th St.

3/29/2018 10:31:01 AM:
The street calming devices for the Gordonston Neighborhood have been completed. Final inspection was conducted on March 21 . Punch list is complete with the exception of one sign adjustment. Contractor needs to adjust sign and submit required supporting documentation for final payment. Two speed tables on Bonaventure Rd. east and west of Georgia Ave will be installed . Construction is scheduled to start April 2. Four speed cushions will be installed on 66th St between Habersham and Reynolds . Construction is scheduled for April 2.

3/29/2018 10:31:01 AM:
The street calming devices for the Gordonston Neighborhood have been completed. Final inspection was conducted on March 21 . Punch list is complete with the exception of one sign adjustment. Contractor needs to adjust sign and submit required supporting documentation for final payment. Two speed tables on Bonaventure Rd. east and west of Georgia Ave will be installed . Construction is scheduled to start April 2. Four speed cushions will be installed on 66th St between Habersham and Reynolds . Construction is scheduled for April 2.

1/9/2018 11:29:52 AM:
Construction of street calming devices in the Gordonston Neighborhood are under way. Contractor started construction activities on November 25, 2017 . The contractor did not start construction per the Notice to Proceed he received from the City because he did not submit the necessary documents to start construction activities. Contract construction completion is January 12, 2018. Contractor was directed to provide a revised schedule for completion , which thus far he has failed to provide one to the satisfaction of the department.

11/3/2017 4:02:56 PM:
The pre-construction meeting for the Gordonston traffic calming plan was held on October 18,2017. The contractor was issued with a notice to proceed on October 20, 2017. The contract time is for 76 calendar days to complete the project. Completed the 90- day trial phase for the 200 and 300 blocks of East 66th Street . Neighborhood submitted signatures for permanent installation on October 26, 2017 Two temporary speed tables in the 100 block of East 54th Street and a temporary traffic circle at East 54th and Battey Street have been installed for a 90-day trial.

6/29/2017 3:04:27 PM:
Three calming devices were completed in the Olin Height Neighborhood

3/31/2017 12:08:38 PM:
Gordonston Neighborhood - working on bidding construction contract

Last Project Update: 7/14/2023 1:56:16 PM
Fund(s): Discounts | Contrbtn Frm Generl Fnd | SPLOST VI(2015-2020
Project Financial Data Last Updated On: 11/30/2023 12:00:00 AM
Appropriated Budget To Date: Expenditures To Date: Open Purchase Orders: Project Balance:
$809,551.11 $809,551.11 $0.00 $0.00

1/9/2018 11:29:52 AM