Capital Improvement Program

Project: Sidewalk Repairs Project No: SP0118 Status: Ongoing Category: Street Improvements
Location: City-wide Start Year: 2015 End Year: Annual
Council District: City-Wide Project Manager: Richard Spivey RSpivey@Savannahga.Gov
Scope: Remove and replace hazardous sidewalk segments
Comments: 6/14/2024 11:03:22 AM:
Year to date 170 new repairs have been completed.

7/10/2023 4:07:15 PM:
Year to date 170 new repairs have been completed.

7/10/2023 4:07:00 PM:
Year to date 170 new repairs have been completed.

11/24/2021 4:52:20 PM:
In the third quarter of 2021 5,960 (1.13 miles) linear feet of sidewalk were repaired including 198 new addresses. Year-to-Date 548 different addresses have been repaired totaling 19,461 LF or 3.69 miles miles of sidewalk.

9/7/2021 10:34:22 AM:
In the second quarter of 2021 7,871(1.49 miles) linear feet of sidewalk were repaired which includes approximately 164 addresses or service requests. Year-to-date 350 addresses have been completed including 13,501 LF feet of repairs totaling (2.56 miles).

5/13/2021 10:36:22 AM:
In the first quarter of 2021 5,630(1.07 miles) linear feet of sidewalk were repaired which includes approximately 186 addresses or service requests.

12/9/2020 5:18:31 PM:
In the third quarter of 2020, Street Maintenance has completed 284 sidewalk repairs; within the repairs 7,908 LF of sidewalk has been repaired. Year-to-date 528 sidewalks repairs and 16,218 LF(3.07 miles) of sidewalk have been repaired.

7/22/2020 4:38:06 PM:
In the second quarter of 2020 Street Maintenance has made 202 sidewalk repairs; within the repairs 5,590 LF of sidewalk has been repaired. Year-to-Date 424 sidewalk repairs and 8,310 LF completed.

4/8/2020 2:54:25 PM:
In the first quarter of 2020 Street Maintenance has made 222 sidewalk repairs. Within the repairs 2,720 LF of sidewalk has been repaired.

1/2/2020 4:11:14 PM:
In 2019 there were 400 plus sidewalk repairs completed throughout the city. With a new sidewalk contract the contractors will help assist us on reducing the back log of sidewalk repairs.

10/8/2019 12:45:12 PM:
In the third quarter of 2019, 857 LF of sidewalks were repaired within the city limits. A total of 8,417 LF of sidewalks have been repaired in 2019 including 278 service requests.

8/6/2019 3:59:35 PM:
In the second quarter of 2019 1,560 LF of sidewalks were repaired city wide in 83 service requests. A total of 7,560 LF of sidewalks were repaired in 2019 in 216 service requests. A new sidewalk contract should be approved in August which will add an additional contractor to work on sidewalk repairs.

4/9/2019 10:14:38 AM:
In the first quarter of 2019... 5,230 linear feet of sidewalk has been repaired city wide in 83 service requests.

1/22/2019 5:05:57 PM:
In 2018 there were 510 repairs made to the cities sidewalk inventory.

10/12/2018 3:24:05 PM:
In the third quarter of 2018 we continue to repair sidewalks throughout the City of Savannah. Nearly 350 service work order have been completed so far in 2018.

7/4/2018 3:38:03 PM:
Through the second quarter almost 9000 LF of sidewalks throughout the City has been repaired. Two hundred, eighty-five work orders have been completed through the second quarter of 2018.

4/4/2018 5:25:20 PM:
In the first quarter of 2018... 7,132 linear feet of sidewalk has been repaired city wide.

4/4/2018 5:25:20 PM:
In the first quarter of 2018... 7,132 linear feet of sidewalk has been repaired city wide.

1/12/2018 4:25:02 PM:
In November, 756 square yards equal to (1400'x 5') of sidewalk were repaired throughout the City including Tiedemann Park.

11/3/2017 4:38:04 PM:
Repairs of sidewalks continue throughout the City. Year-to-date several hundred repairs have been completed. Over 1500' of sidewalks have been repaired.

6/29/2017 3:36:39 PM:
Annual repairs are necessary to keep sidewalks in good condition. Repairs are prioritized based on 311 service request calls and staff observations.

3/31/2017 12:08:38 PM:
Annual repairs are necessary to keep sidewalks in good condition. Repairs are prioritized based on 311 service request calls and staff observations.

Last Project Update: 7/10/2023 4:07:24 PM
Fund(s): Contrbtn Frm Generl Fnd | SPLOST VI - District 4 Fund
Project Financial Data Last Updated On: 9/30/2024 12:00:00 AM
Appropriated Budget To Date: Expenditures To Date: Open Purchase Orders: Project Balance:
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

1/12/2018 4:25:02 PM